
2024-current-Protocol #2024P000894: The Delivery of Chronic Pain Educational Resources through the Epic-Integrated Xealth Platform: A Retrospective Analysis of Medical Record Information.

2021-2022-Protocol #:2021P000203: Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of pain neuroscience education delivered with a virtual reality headset to outpatient physical therapy patients treated for pain: a pilot, multi-site implementation trial.

5/20-8/20-Protocol #:2020P001228: COVID-19 Post-Acute Longitudinal Follow-up Study

2018-2020-Protocol #:2018P003042: The use of virtual reality for lumbar pain management in an outpatient spine clinic: An exploratory comparative randomized trial.

2010-2019-Protocol #:2011P002662: Live Long Walk Strong: a Medical Records Review Study. Development of a standardized functional assessment and treatment approach for a clinical population of older adults. Ongoing data collection/analysis and program dissemination. 

2016-2019-Protocol #: 2015P000393. REACH Pilot Study (Rehabilitation Enhancing Aging Through  Connected Health). Evaluation of the benefit of a novel telehealth assisted rehabilitative care program on physical function and health care utilization after one year of follow up. 

Peer Reviewed Publications

. Brown L, DiCenso-Fleming T, Ensign T, Boyd A, Monaghan G, Binder D. Chronic Pain Education Delivered with a Virtual Reality Headset in Outpatient Physical Therapy Clinics: A Multi-site Exploratory Trial. Am J Transl Res. 2023;15(5):3500-3510.

·  Brown, L, Chen, ET, Binder, DS. The use of virtual reality for peri-procedural pain and anxiety at an outpatient spine clinic injection visit: an exploratory controlled randomized trial. Am J Transl Res. 2020; 12(9). 2020;12(9):5818-5826.

·  Bean, JF, Brown, LG, DeAngelis, T, Ellis, TD, Kumar, S, Latham, NK, Lawler, D, Ni, M, Perloff, J. The Rehabilitation Enhancing Aging Through Connected Health Prehabilitation Trial. Am J Phy Med Rehabil. 2019; 11:1999-2005.

·  Brown, LG, Ni, M, Schmidt, CT, Bean, JF. Evaluation of an Outpatient Rehabilitative Program to Address Mobility Limitations Among Older Adults. Am J Phy Med Rehabil. 2017 Jan 11. Epub 2017

·  Ni, M, Brown, LG, Lawler, D, Bean, JF. Reliability, Validity, and Minimal Detectable Change of Four-Step Climb Power Test in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Phys Ther. 2017;97:767-773.

·  Ni, M, Brown, LG, Lawler, D. Ellis, TD, DeAngelis, T, Latham, NK, Perloff, J, Atlas, SJ, Percac-Lima, S, Bean, JF. The rehabilitation enhancing aging through connected health (REACH) study: study protocol for a quasi-experimental clinical trial. BMC Geriatrics 2017; 17:221.